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NFL Transactions

Saturday, Dec 21, 2024

CINIsaiah ThomasDEACT - The Cincinnati Bengals elevated DE Isaiah Thomas to the active roster from the practice squad.
CLEJames ProcheWRACT - The Cleveland Browns elevated WR James Proche II to the active roster from the practice squad.
CLEKahlef HailassieCBACT - The Cleveland Browns elevated CB Kahlef Hailassie to the active roster from the practice squad.
DALTrevon DiggsCBIR - The Dallas Cowboys placed CB Trevon Diggs on IR.
INDDarren HallCBWA - The Indianapolis Colts waived S Darren Hall.
INDTre FlowersCBACT - The Indianapolis Colts elevated CB Tre Flowers to the active roster from the practice squad.
INDMark GlowinskiGACT - The Indianapolis Colts elevated G Mark Glowinski to the active roster from the practice squad.
INDJaylon CarliesLBACT - The Indianapolis Colts activated LB Jaylon Carlies from IRD.
INDRyan KellyCACT - The Indianapolis Colts activated C Ryan Kelly from IRD.
LARCharles WoodsCBACT - The Los Angeles Rams activated CB Charles Woods to the active roster from the minors.
TENBrayden NarvesonKSGN - The Tennessee Titans signed K Brayden Narveson to the active roster from the practice squad.

Friday, Dec 20, 2024

ARIMilo EiflerLBSGN - The Arizona Cardinals signed LB Milo Eifler to the active roster from the practice squad.
ARIJesse LuketaOLBIR - The Arizona Cardinals placed LB Jesse Luketa on IR.
BALDiontae JohnsonWRWA - The Baltimore Ravens waived WR Diontae Johnson.
BALDiontae JohnsonWRACT - The Baltimore Ravens activated WR Diontae Johnson from suspension.
BALAnthony MillerWRACT - The Baltimore Ravens elevated WR Anthony Miller to the active roster from the practice squad.
BALDesmond KingCBACT - The Baltimore Ravens elevated CB Desmond King to the active roster from the practice squad.
DENMatt HenningsenDEPRA - The Denver Broncos assigned DE Matt Henningsen to the practice squad.
DENBlake WatsonRBPRA - The Denver Broncos assigned RB Blake Watson to the practice squad.
HOUJared WayneWRACT - The Houston Texans elevated WR Jared Wayne to the active roster from the practice squad.
HOUIrv Smith Jr.TESGN - The Houston Texans signed TE Irv Smith to the active roster from the practice squad.
HOUSteven SimsWRWA - The Houston Texans waived WR Steven Sims.
HOUAndrew BeckFBACT - The Houston Texans elevated FB Andrew Beck to the active roster from the practice squad.
KCDeon BushDBACT - The Kansas City Chiefs elevated DB Deon Bush to the active roster from the practice squad.
KCAnthony FirkserTEACT - The Kansas City Chiefs elevated TE Anthony Firkser to the active roster from the practice squad.
KCBaylor CuppTEIR - The Kansas City Chiefs placed TE Baylor Cupp on practice squad IR.
LACKendall WilliamsonDBPRA - The Los Angeles Chargers assigned S Kendall Williamson to the practice squad.
LACDicaprio BootleCBPRA - The Los Angeles Chargers assigned CB Dicaprio Bootle to the practice squad.

Thursday, Dec 19, 2024

BALT.J. TampaCBACT - The Baltimore Ravens activated CB T.J. Tampa from IRD.
BUFCasey ToohillDEPRA - The Buffalo Bills signed DE Casey Toohill to the practice squad.
BUFEli AnkouDTREL - The Buffalo Bills released DT Eli Ankou.
DALJustin RogersDTCL - The Dallas Cowboys claimed DT Justin Rogers off the Cincinnati Bengals practice squad.
DENMatt HenningsenDEACT - The Denver Broncos elevated DE Matt Henningsen to the active roster from the practice squad.
DENBlake WatsonRBACT - The Denver Broncos elevated RB Blake Watson to the active roster from the practice squad.
DETJalen Reeves-MaybinLBIRDR - The Detroit Lions placed LB Jalen Reeves-Maybin on IRD.
INDAmbry ThomasCBWA - The Indianapolis Colts waived CB Ambry Thomas.
KCMarquise BrownWRACT - The Kansas City Chiefs activated WR Marquise Brown from IRD.
LACDicaprio BootleCBACT - The Los Angeles Chargers elevated CB Dicaprio Bootle to the active roster from the practice squad.
LACHayden HurstTEACT - The Los Angeles Chargers activated TE Hayden Hurst from IRD.
LACKendall WilliamsonDBACT - The Los Angeles Chargers elevated SAF Kendall Williamson to the active roster from the practice squad.
MIASean HarlowOLREL - The Miami Dolphins released OL Sean Harlow.
NEChristian BarmoreDTNON - The New England Patriots placed DL Christian Barmore on the Non footbal injury list.
NOChris OlaveWRIRDR - The New Orleans Saints placed WR Chris Olave on IRD.

Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024

ARITony Jones Jr.RBPRA - The Arizona Cardinals signed RB Tony Jones to the practice squad.
ARIKeshawn BanksLBPRA - The Arizona Cardinals signed LB Keshawn Banks to the practice squad.
ARIMichael PalardyPSGN - The Arizona Cardinals signed P Michael Palardy to the active roster from the practice squad.
ARIMatt PraterKIRDR - The Arizona Cardinals placed K Matt Prater on IRD.
ATLRiley PattersonKSGN - The Atlanta Falcons signed K Riley Patterson off the Cleveland Browns practice squad.
ATLTanner BrownKREL - The Atlanta Falcons released K Tanner Brown.
ATLYounghoe KooKIR - The Atlanta Falcons placed K Younghoe Koo on the IR.
CARDax MilneWRPRA - The Carolina Panthers signed WR Dax Milne to the practice squad.
CARJackson MitchellLBPRA - The Carolina Panthers signed LB Jackson Mitchell to the practice squad.
CINIsaiah ThomasDEPRA - The Cincinnati Bengals signed DE Isaiah Thomas to the practice squad.
CLENick ChubbRBIR - The Cleveland Browns placed RB Nick Chubb on IR.
CLEBrenden BatesTECL - The Cleveland Browns claimed TE Brenden Bates off the New York Jets practice squad.
CLEJacob KibodiRBPRA - The Cleveland Browns signed RB Jacob Kibodi to the practice squad.
DETIfeatu MelifonwuSAFIRDR - The Detroit Lions placed SAF Ifeatu Melifonwu on IRD.
HOUKenyon GreenGACT - The Houston Texans activated OL Kenyon Green from IRD.
INDAmbry ThomasCBCL - The Indianapolis Colts claimed CB Ambry Thomas off waivers.
INDJulius BrentsCBIRDR - The Indianapolis Colts placed CB JuJu Brents on IRD.
LVAndre Carter IIOLBCL - The Las Vegas Raiders claimed LB Andre Carter II of the Minnesota Vikings practice squad.
LVChris CollierRBSGN - The Las Vegas Raiders signed RB Chris Collier to the active roster.
LVOvie OghoufoOLBPRA - The Las Vegas Raiders signed OLB Ovie Oghoufo to the practice squad.
LVSincere McCormickRBIR - The Las Vegas Raiders placed RB Sincere McCormick on the IR.
LVMaxx CrosbyDEIR - The Las Vegas Raiders placed DE Maxx Crosby on the IR.
LVIsaiah SpillerRBPRA - The Las Vegas Raiders signed RB Isaiah Spiller to the practice squad.
NEAlex EricksonWRPRA - The New England Patriots signed WR Alex Erickson to the practice squad.
NOClyde Edwards-HelaireRBPRA - The New Orleans Saints signed RB Clyde Edwards-Helaire to the practice squad.
NOKendal VickersDTREL - The New Orleans Saints released DT Kendal Vickers.
NYJJalen MillsSAFIR - The New York Jets placed S Jalen Mills on IR.
NYJLeki FotuDTIRDR - The New York Jets placed DL Leki Fotu on the IRD.
NYJNeal JohnsonTEPRA - The New York Jets signed TE Neal Johnson to the practice squad.
PHIBryce HuffDEIRDR - The Philadelphia Eagles placed DE Bryce Huff on IRD.
PHIKevin FoelschTEPRA - The Philadelphia Eagles signed TE Kevin Foelsch to the practice squad.
SEAArtie BurnsCBPRA - The Seattle Seahawks signed CB Artie Burns to the practice squad.
SEAStone ForsytheTACT - The Seattle Seahawks activated T Stone Forsythe from the IRD.
WASJonathan AllenDTIRDR - The Washington Commanders placed DT Jonathan Allen on IRD.

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024

ATLJosh WoodsLBPRA - The Atlanta Falcons assigned LB Josh Woods to the practice squad.
BUFBranson DeenDTREL - The Buffalo Bills released DT Branson Deen.
BUFKameron ClineDEREL - The Buffalo Bills released DE Kameron Cline.
BUFTylan GrableOTACT - The Buffalo Bills activated OL Tylan Grable from IRD.
BUFCasey ToohillDEREL - The Buffalo Bills released DE Casey Toohill.
BUFJalen VirgilWRPRA - The Buffalo Bills signed WR Jalen Virgil to the practice squad.
BUFWill ClappOLPRA - The Buffalo Bills signed OL Will Clapp to the practice squad.
CARJacoby WindmonLBSGN - The Carolina Panthers signed LB Jacoby Windmon to the active roster from the practice squad.
CARAnthony BrownCBWAI - The Carolina Panthers waived CB Anthony Brown due to injury.
CARTrevin WallaceLBIR - The Carolina Panthers placed LB Trevin Wallace on IR.
CARClaudin CherelusLBIR - The Carolina Panthers placed LB Claudin Cherelus on IR.
CARDan ChisenaWRSGN - The Carolina Panthers signed WR Dan Chisena to the active roster from the practice squad.
CINCade YorkKSGN - The Cincinnati Bengals signed K Cade York to the active roster from the practice squad.
CINJoe Giles-HarrisLBPRA - The Cincinnati Bengals signed LB Joe Giles-Harris to the practice squad.
CINJaylen KeySAFPRA - The Cincinnati Bengals signed SAF Jaylen Key to the practice squad.
CLECameron LatuTEREL - The Cleveland Browns released TE Cameron Latu.
DETStantley Thomas-Oliver IIICBPRA - The Detroit Lions signed CB Stantley Thomas-Oliver to the practice squad.
DETIsaiah ThomasDLREL - The Detroit Lions released DE Isaiah Thomas.
DETCarlton DavisCBIR - The Detroit Lions placed CB Carlton Davis on IR.
DETKhalil DorseyCBIR - The Detroit Lions placed CB Khalil Dorsey on IR.
DETAlim McNeillDLIR - The Detroit Lions placed DL Alim McNeill on IR.
INDAlbert OkwuegbunamTEPRA - The Indianapolis Colts signed TE Albert Okwuegbunam Jr. to the practice squad.
JAXKalen DeLoachLBPRA - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed LB Kalen DeLoach to the practice squad.
LACHayden HurstTEIRDR - The Los Angeles Chargers placed TE Hayden Hurst on IRD.
LARTyler HigbeeTEACT - The Los Angeles Rams activated TE Tyler Higbee from IRD.
LARNick HamptonOLBIR - The Los Angeles Rams placed LB Nick Hampton on IR.
LARRashad WeaverLBPRA - The Los Angeles Rams signed LB Rashad Weaver to the practice squad.
LVCole FotheringhamTEREL - The Las Vegas Raiders released TE Cole Fotheringham.
LVJanarius RobinsonDESUS - The NFL suspended Las Vegas Raiders DE Janarius Robinson for 3 games.
MIAJake McQuaideLSSGN - The Miami Dolphins signed LS Jake McQuaide to the active roster from the practice squad.
MIAGrant DuBoseWRIR - The Miami Dolphins placed WR Grant DuBose on IR.
MIAIsaiah McKenzieWRPRA - The Miami Dolphins signed WR Isaiah McKenzie to the practice squad.
MIASkylar ThompsonQBPRA - The Miami Dolphins signed QB Skylar Thompson to the practice squad.
MINJordan KunaszykLBWAI - The Minnesota Vikings waived LB Jordan Kunaszyk due to injury.
NELiam FornadelGREL - The New England Patriots released G Liam Fornadel.
NYJZach EvansRBPRA - The New York Jets signed RB Zach Evans to the practice squad.
PITAdetokunbo OgundejiOLBREL - The Pittsburgh Steelers released OLB Ade Ogundeji.
PITDavid PeralesLBWAI - The Pittsburgh Steelers waived LB David Perales due to injury.
PITJohn LeglueOLPRA - The Pittsburgh Steelers signed OL John Leglue to the practice squad.
SEAArtie BurnsCBWA - The Seattle Seahawks waived CB Artie Burns.
SEADeVere LevelstonDEREL - The Seattle Seahawks released DE DeVere Levelston.
SFAusten PleasantsOLPRA - The San Francisco 49ers signed OL Austen Pleasants to the practice squad.
SFChandler WootenLBPRA - The San Francisco 49ers signed LB Chandler Wooten to the practice squad.
SFMason PlineTEIR - The San Francisco 49ers placed TE Mason Pline on practice squad IR.
SFAmbry ThomasCBWA - The San Francisco 49ers waived CB Ambry Thomas.
TENColton DowellWRIRDR - The Tennessee Titans placed WR on the IRD.
WASTyree JacksonTEPRA - The Washington Commanders signed TE Tyree Jackson to the practice squad.
WASKazmeir AllenRBIR - The Washington Commanders placed RB Kaz Allen on practice squad IR.

Monday, Dec 16, 2024

ARIJammie RobinsonSAFCL - The Arizona Cardinals claimed SAF Jammie Robinson off waivers.
ARIMichael PalardyPPRA - The Arizona Cardinals assigned P Michael Palardy to the practice squad.
ATLRuke OrhorhoroDTACT - The Atlanta Falcons activated DT Ruke Orhorhoro from the IRD.
ATLTroy AndersenLBIR - The Atlanta Falcons placed LB Troy Andersen on the IR.
ATLJosh WoodsLBACT - The Atlanta Falcons elevated LB Josh Woods to the active roster.
ATLTanner BrownKPRA - The Atlanta Falcons signed K Tanner Brown to the practice squad.
BALWilliam KwenkeuLBPRA - The Baltimore Ravens assigned LB William Kwenkeu to the practice squad.
BALDesmond KingCBPRA - The Baltimore Ravens assigned CB Desmond King to the practice squad.
BUFKareem JacksonSAFPRA - The Buffalo Bills assigned SAF Kareem Jackson to the practice squad.
BUFMike WhiteQBPRA - The Buffalo Bills assigned QB Mike White to the practice squad.
CARJacoby WindmonLBPRA - The Carolina Panthers assigned LB Jacoby Windmon to the practice squad.
CARMike BooneRBPRA - The Carolina Panthers assigned RB Mike Boone to the practice squad.
CHIDarrynton EvansRBACT - The Chicago Bears elevated RB Darrynton Evans.
CINAndrew CokerOTPRA - The Cincinnati Bengals assigned OT Andrew Coker to the practice squad.
CINCade YorkKPRA - The Cincinnati Bengals assigned K Cade York to the practice squad.
CLEJames ProcheWRPRA - The Cleveland Browns assigned WR James Proche II to the practice squad.
CLERiley PattersonKPRA - The Cleveland Browns assigned K Riley Patterson to the practice squad.
DALAndrew Booth Jr.CBPRA - The Dallas Cowboys assigned CB Andrew Booth to the practice squad.
DALDakoda ShepleyTPRA - The Dallas Cowboys assigned T Dakoda Shepley to the practice squad.
DENNick GargiuloOGPRA - The Denver Broncos assigned OG Nick Gargiulo to the practice squad.
DENReese TaylorCBPRA - The Denver Broncos assigned CB Reese Taylor to the practice squad.
DETJamal AdamsDBPRA - The Detroit Lions assigned DB Jamal Adams to the practice squad.
DETAbraham BeauplanLBPRA - The Detroit Lions assigned LB Abraham Beauplan to the practice squad.
DETAnthony PittmanLBSGN - The Detroit Lions signed LB Anthony Pittman off the Jacksonville Jaguars practice squad.
HOUIrv Smith Jr.TEPRA - The Houston Texans assigned TE Irv Smith to the practice squad.
INDMark GlowinskiGPRA - The Indianapolis Colts assigned G Mark Glowinski to the practice squad.
JAXDJ ColemanDEPRA - The Jacksonville Jaguars assigned DE DJ Coleman to the practice squad.
KCAnthony FirkserTEPRA - The Kansas City Chiefs assigned TE Anthony Firkser to the practice squad.
KCClyde Edwards-HelaireRBREL - The Kansas City Chiefs released RB Clyde Edwards-Helaire.
KCSwayze BozemanLBPRA - The Kansas City Chiefs assigned LB Swayze Bozeman to the practice squad.
LACLaviska Shenault Jr.WRPRA - The Los Angeles Chargers assigned WR Laviska Shenault Jr. to the practice squad.
LACEric TomlinsonTEPRA - The Los Angeles Chargers assigned TE Eric Tomlinson to the practice squad.
MIAJake McQuaideLSPRA - The Miami Dolphins signed LS Jake McQuaide to the practice squad.
MIAZach TrinerLSREL - The Miami Dolphins released LS Zach Triner.
MIARyan HayesTPRA - The Miami Dolphins assigned T Ryan Hayes to the practice squad.
NEJack WestoverTEPRA - The New England Patriots assigned TE Jack Westover to the practice squad.
NYGRaheem LayneSAFPRA - The New York Giants assigned SAF Raheem Layne to the practice squad.
NYJBrandon SmithWRPRA - The New York Jets assigned WR Brandon Smith to the practice squad.
NYJZack KuntzTEPRA - The New York Jets assigned TE Zack Kuntz to the practice squad.
PHIKhari BlasingameFBPRA - The Philadelphia Eagles assigned FB Khari Blasingame to the practice squad.
SEAGeorge HolaniRBPRA - The Seattle Seahawks assigned RB George Holani to the practice squad.
SEAJaren HallQBPRA - The Seattle Seahawks assigned QB Jaren Hall to the practice squad.
SFDe'Vondre CampbellLBTSUS - The San Francisco 49ers suspended LB De'Vondre Campbell Sr. for three games.
TBJack BrowningPPRA - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers assigned P Jack Browning to the practice squad.
TBRyan NealSAFPRA - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers assigned SAF Ryan Neal to the practice squad.
TENArlington HambrightGPRA - The Tennessee Titans assigned G Arlington Hambright to the practice squad.
TENThomas OdukoyaTEPRA - The Tennessee Titans assigned TE Thomas Odukoya to the practice squad.
WASGreg JosephKPRA - The Washington Commanders assigned K Greg Joseph to the practice squad.
WASCarl DavisDEPRA - The Washington Commanders assigned DE Carl Davis to the practice squad.

Saturday, Dec 14, 2024

ARIBlake GillikinPIR - The Arizona Cardinals placed P Blake Gillikin on the IR.
ARIEmari DemercadoRBIR - The Arizona Cardinals placed RB Emari Demercado on the Injured Reserve.
ARIMichael PalardyPACT - The Arizona Cardinals elevated P Michael Palardy to the active roster.
ATLJakeem GrantWRREL - The Atlanta Falcons released WR Jakeem Grant.
BUFDawuane SmootDEACT - The Buffalo Bills activated DE Dawuane Smoot from the IRD.
BUFBaylon SpectorLBACT - The Buffalo Bills elevated LB Baylon Spector to from the IRD.
BUFWill ClappOLREL - The Buffalo Bills released OL Will Clapp.
BUFJalen VirgilWRREL - The Buffalo Bills released WR Jalen Virgil.
CARMike BooneRBACT - the Carolina Panthers elevated RB Mike Boone to the active roster.
CARJacoby WindmonLBACT - The Carolina Panthers elevated LB Jacoby Windmon to the active roster.
CINLogan WoodsideQBSGN - The Cincinnati Bengals signed QB Logan Woodside to the active roster from the practice squad.
CINAndrew CokerOTACT - The Cincinnati Bengals elevated OT Andrew Coker to the active roster from the practice squad.
CINCade YorkKACT - The Cincinnati Bengals elevated K Cade York to the active roster from the practice squad.
CINJoe BachieLBIR - The Cincinnati Bengals placed LB Joe Bachie on IR.
CLERiley PattersonKACT - The Cleveland Browns elevated K Riley Patterson to the active roster form the practice squad.
CLEJames ProcheWRACT - The Cleveland Browns elevated WR James Proche II to the active roster from the practice squad.
CLEMichael Hall Jr.DTACT - The Cleveland Browns activated DT Mike Hall Jr. from IRD.
CLEMyles HardenCBACT - The Cleveland Browns activated CB Myles Harden from IRD.
DALDakoda ShepleyTACT - The Dallas Cowboys elevated T Dakoda Shepley to the active roster from the practice squad.
DALAndrew Booth Jr.CBACT - The Dallas Cowboys elevated CB Andrew Booth to the active roster from the practice squad.
DALDeMarvion OvershownLBIR - The Dallas Cowboys placed LB DeMarvion Overshown on IR.
DENReese TaylorCBACT - The Denver Broncos elevated CB Reese Taylor to the active roster.
DENNick GargiuloOGACT - The Denver Broncos elevated OG Nick Gargiulo to the active roster.
DETJamal AdamsDBACT - The Detroit Lions elevated DB Jamal Adams to the active roster.
DETAbraham BeauplanLBACT - The Detroit Lions elevated LB Abraham Beauplan to the active roster.
HOUChristian HarrisLBACT - The Houston Texans activated LB Christian Harris from the IRD.
HOUIrv Smith Jr.TEACT - The Houston Texans elevated TE Irv Smith to the active roster.
INDBraden SmithTNON - The Indianapolis Colts placed T Braden Smith on non-Football Illness list.
INDMark GlowinskiGACT - The Indianapolis Colts elevated G Mark Glowinski to the active roster from the practice squad.
JAXDJ ColemanDEACT - The Jacksonville Jaguars elevated DE DJ Coleman to the active roster from the practice squad.
JAXEvan EngramTEIR - The Jacksonville Jaguars placed TE Evan Engram on IR.
KCHarrison ButkerKACT - The Kansas City Chiefs activated K Harrison Butker from IR.
KCAnthony FirkserTEACT - The Kansas City Chiefs elevated TE Anthony Firkser to the active roster from the practice squad.
KCMatthew WrightKREL - The Kansas City Chiefs released K Matthew Wright.
KCSwayze BozemanLBACT - The Kansas City Chiefs elevated LB Swayze Bozeman to the active roster from the practice squad.
LACJalen ReagorWRIR - The Loa Angeles Chargers placed WR Jalen Reagor on the IR.
LACLaviska Shenault Jr.WRACT - The Los Angeles Chargers elevated WR Laviska Shenault to the active roster.
LACEric TomlinsonTEACT - The Los Angeles Chargers elevated TE Eric Tomlinson to the active roster.
MIASkylar ThompsonQBWA - The Miami Dolphins waived QB Skylar Thompson.
MIAMatt DickersonDESGN - The Miami Dolphins signed DE Matt Dickerson to the active roster from the practice squad.
MIAGrant DuBoseWRACT - The Miami Dolphins activated WR Grant DuBose from IRD.
MIARyan HayesTACT - The Miami Dolphins elevated T Ryan Hayes to the active roster from the practice squad.
MIAZach TrinerLSACT - The Miami Dolphins elevated LS Zach Triner to the active roster from the practice squad.
NEJack WestoverTEACT - The New England Patriots elevated TE Jack Westover to the active roster.
NOTanoh KpassagnonDEACT - The New Orleans Saints activated DE Tanoh Kpassagnon from the PUP list.
NOD'Marco JacksonLBIR - The New Orleans Saints placed LB D'Marco Jackson on the IR.
NYJBrandon SmithWRACT - The New York Jets elevated WR Brandon Smith to the active roster.
NYJZack KuntzTEACT - The New York Jets elevated TE Zack Kuntz to the active roster.
NYJKendall SheffieldCBSGN - The New York Jets signed CB Kendall Sheffield to the active roster.
PHIKhari BlasingameFBACT - The Philadelphia Eagles elevated Fb Khari Blasingame to the active roster.
PITCalvin AndersonOTIR - The Pittsburgh Steelers placed OL Calvin Anderson on IR.
PITMontravius AdamsDTACT - The Pittsburgh Steelers activated DT Montravius Adams from IRD.
SEAJaren HallQBACT - The Seattle Seahawks elevated QB Jaren Hall to the active rsoter.
SEAGeorge HolaniRBACT - The Seattle Seahawks elevated RB George Holani to the active roster.
SEAArtie BurnsCBACT - The Seattle Seahawks activated CB Artie Burns from the IRD.
SEAJerrick Reed IIFSIR - The Seattle Seahawks placed FS Jerrick Reed on the IR.
WASJamison CrowderWRACT - The Washington Commanders activated WR Jamison Crowder from the IR.
WASCarl DavisDEACT - The Washington Commanders elevated DE Carl Davis to the active roster.
WASGreg JosephKACT - The Washington Commanders elevated K Greg Joseph to the active roster.
WASNoah BrownWRIR - The Washington Commanders placed WR Noah Brown on the IR.

Friday, Dec 13, 2024

CARNick ScottSAFACT - The Carolina Panthers activated S Nick Scott from IRD.
CARJammie RobinsonSAFWA - The Carolina Panthers waived S Jammie Robinson.
HOUJalen PitreSAFIR - The Houston Texans placed S Jalen Pitre on IR.
KCSiaki IkaDTPRA - The Kansas City Chiefs signed DT Siaki Ika to the practice squad.
KCMarquise BrownWRIRDR - The Kansas City Chiefs placed WR Marquise Brown on IRD.
LARCharles WoodsCBPRA - The Los Angeles Rams assigned CB Charles Woods to the practice squad.
MIAOdell Beckham Jr.WRWA - The Miami Dolphins waived WR Odell Beckham Jr.
NEJaquelin RoyDTIR - The New England Patriots placed DT Jaquelin Roy on IR.
NYJTakkarist McKinleyDLREL - The New York Jets released DL Takk McKinley.
NYJKene NwangwuRBIR - The New York Jets placed RB Kene Nwangwu on IR.
SFBen BartchOLIR - The San Francisco 49ers placed G Ben Bartch on IR.
SFKe'Shawn VaughnRBPRA - The San Francisco 49ers assigned RB Ke'Shawn Vaughn to the practice squad.
WASGreg JosephKPRA - The Washington Commanders signed K Greg Joseph to the practice squad.
WASMike StrachanWRREL - The Washington Commanders released WR Michael Strachan.

Thursday, Dec 12, 2024

ATLJakeem GrantWRPRA - The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Jakeem Grant to the practice squad.
CARDeShawn WilliamsDEPRA - The Carolina Panthers signed DE DeShawn Williams to the practice squad.
DALBraeden DanielsOLPRA - The Dallas Cowboys signed OL Braeden Daniels to the practice squad.
LARCharles WoodsCBACT - The Los Angeles Rams elevated CB Charles Woods to the active roster from the practice squad.
SEABrittain BrownRBPRA - The Seattle Seahawks signed RB Brittain Brown to the practice squad.
SFKe'Shawn VaughnRBACT - The San Francisco 49ers elevated RB Ke'Shawn Vaughn to the active roster.
SFDre GreenlawLBACT - The San Francisco 49ers activated LB Dre Greenlaw from IRD.
TBKameron JohnsonWRIRDR - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers placed WR Kameron Johnson on IRD.

Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024

ARIMichael PalardyPPRA - The Arizona Cardinals assigned P Michael Palardy to the practice squad.
ATLJase McClellanRBIR - The Atlanta Falcons placed RB Jase McClellan on IR.
ATLCarlos Washington Jr.RBSGN - The Atlanta Falcons signed RB Carlos Washington Jr. to the active roster from the practice squad.
BUFDawuane SmootDEIRDR - The Buffalo Bills placed DE Dawuane Smoot on IRD.
BUFBaylon SpectorLBIRDR - The Buffalo Bills placed LB Baylon Spector on IRD.
CHIDeAndre CarterWRIR - The Chicago Bears placed WR DeAndre Carter on IR.
CHIRoyce FreemanRBPRA - The Chicago Bears signed RB Royce Freeman to the practice squad.
CHIJonathan FordDLCL - The Chicago Bears claimed DL Jonathan Ford off waivers.
CLETre' McKittyTEPRA - The Cleveland Browns signed TE Tre' McKitty to the practice squad.
CLEMichael Hall Jr.DTIRDR - The Cleveland Browns placed DT Mike Hall Jr. on IRD.
DETErick HallettSAFPRA - The Detroit Lions signed SAF Erick Hallett to the practice squad.
GBLuke MusgraveTEIRDR - The Green Bay Packers placed TE Luke Musgrave on IRD.
INDRyan KellyCIRDR - The Indianapolis Colts placed C Ryan Kelly on IRD.
INDJaylin SimpsonCBPRA - The Indianapolis Colts assigned CB Jaylin Simpson to the practice squad.
INDJaylon CarliesLBIRDR - The Indianapolis Colts placed LB Jaylon Carlies on IRD.
JAXDieter EiselenOLPRA - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed OL Dieter Eiselen to the practice squad.
KCHarrison ButkerKIRDR - The Kansas City Chiefs placed K Harrison Butker on IRD.
MIAGrant DuBoseWRIRDR - The Miami Dolphins placed WR Grant DuBose on IRD.
NYGTyler NubinSAFIR - The New York Giants placed S Tyler Nubin on IR.
NYGJalen McKenzieTPRA - The New York Giants signed T Jalen McKenzie to the practice squad.
NYGAustin SchlottmannOLIRDR - The New York Giants placed C Austin Schlottmann on IRD.
NYGDivaad WilsonCBCL - The New York Giants claimed CB Divaad Wilson from the Arizona Cardinals practice squad.
NYJJaylin SimpsonCBCL - The New York Jets claimed CB Jaylin Simpson off waivers.
NYJIrvin CharlesWRIR - The New York Jets placed WR Irvin Charles on IR.
SEAArtie BurnsCBIRDR - The Seattle Seahawks placed CB Artie Burns on IRD.
SEAK'Von WallaceSAFIRDR - The Seattle Seahawks placed S K'Von Wallace on IRD.
WASK.J. OsbornWRCL - The Washington Commanders claimed WR K.J. Osborn off waivers.

Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024

ARIKeith IsmaelOLREL - The Arizona Cardinals released OL Keith Ismael.
CARTrenton IrwinWRPRA - The Carolina Panthers signed WR Trenton Irwin to the practice squad.
CARDax MilneWRREL - The Carolina Panthers released WR Dax Milne.
CARSam RobertsDTSGN - The Carolina Panthers signed DT Sam Roberts to the active roster from the practice squad.
CARDeShawn WilliamsDEWA - The Carolina Panthers waived DE Deshawn Williams.
CARVelus Jones Jr.WRCL - The Carolina Panthers claimed WR Velus Jones Jr. from the Jacksonville Jaguars practice squad.
CARJonathon BrooksRBIR - The Carolina Panthers placed RB Jonathon Brooks on IR.
CHIDemetric FeltonRBWA - The Chicago Bears released RB Demetric Felton Jr.
CINCade YorkKPRA - The Cincinnati Bengals assigned K Cade York to the practice squad.
CLEMichael DwumfourDTREL - The Cleveland Browns released DT Michael Dwumfour.
CLEKaden DavisWRPRA - The Cleveland Browns signed WR Kaden Davis to the practice squad.
CLERiley PattersonKPRA - The Cleveland Browns signed K Riley Patterson to the practice squad.
CLEJaelen GillWRPRA - The Cleveland Browns signed WR Jaelen Gill to the practice squad.
CLEJulian PearlTPRA - The Cleveland Browns signed T Julian Pearl to the practice squad.
CLEGreg Newsome IICBIR - The Cleveland Browns placed CB Greg Newsome on IR.
CLEKadarius ToneyWRWA - The Cleveland Browns waived WR Kadarius Toney.
DALAndrew Booth Jr.CBPRA - The Dallas Cowboys assigned CB Andrew Booth to the practice squad.
DENK.J. CloydLBPRA - The Denver Broncos signed LB K.J. Cloyd to the practice squad.
GBJeremiah MartinDEPRA - The Green Bay Packers signed DE Jeremiah Martin to the practice squad.
INDPheldarius PayneDTPRA - The Indianapolis Colts signed DT Pheldarius Payne to the practice squad.
INDTrysten HillDTIR - The Indianapolis Colts placed DT Trysten Hill on practice squad IR.
JAXMatt HaackPREL - The Jacksonville Jaguars released P Matt Haack.
JAXJerome CarvinOLPRA - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed OL Jerome Carvin to the practice squad.
JAXMyles GaskinRBPRA - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed RB Myles Gaskin to the practice squad.
JAXTucker AddingtonLSREL - The Jacksonville Jaguars released LS Tucker Addington.
LACAlex LeatherwoodTREL - The Los Angeles Chargers released T Alex Leatherwood.
LACDez FitzpatrickWRPRA - The Los Angeles Chargers signed WR Dez Fitzpatrick to the practice squad.
LVCarter BradleyQBSGN - The Las Vegas Raiders signed QB Carter Bradley to the active roster from the practice squad.
LVZamir WhiteRBIR - The Las Vegas Raiders placed RB Zamir White on IR.
LVJake LutonQBPRA - The Las Vegas Raiders signed QB Jake Luton to the practice squad.
LVTyler ManoaDLPRA - The Las Vegas Raiders signed DT Tyler Manoa to the practice squad.
LVMarquan McCallDTREL - The Las Vegas Raiders released DT Marquan McCall.
NEK.J. OsbornWRWA - The New England Patriots waived WR K.J. Osborn.
NEJohn Parker RomoKPRA - The New England Patriots signed K Parker Romo to the practice squad.
NEKeshawn BanksLBREL - The New England Patriots released LB Keshawn Banks.
NECole StrangeGACT - The New England Patriots activated G Cole Strange from IRD.
NOBen DiNucciQBPRA - The New Orleans Saints signed QB Ben DiNucci to the practice squad.
NOKyle HergelOGPRA - The New Orleans Saints signed OG Kyle Hergel to the practice squad.
NYGJimmy MorrisseyCIR - The New York Giants placed C Jimmy Morrissey on practice squad IR.
NYGEkow Boye-DoeCBPRA - The New York Giants signed CB Ekow Boye-Doe to the practice squad.
NYGTre Hawkins IIICBIR - The New York Giants placed CB Tre Hawkins III on IR.
NYGAzizi HearnCBPRA - The New York Giants signed CB Azizi Hearn to the practice squad.
NYGGreg StromanCBSGN - The New York Giants signed CB Greg Stroman to the active roster from the practice squad.
NYGRoss BlacklockDLPRA - The New York Giants signed DL Ross Blacklock to the practice squad.
NYGTim BoyleQBPRA - The New York Giants signed QB Tim Boyle to the practice squad.
SEATy ZentnerPREL - The Seattle Seahawks released P Ty Zentner.
TBDeion JonesLBPRA - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed LB Deion Jones to the practice squad.
TENLeroy Watson IVTREL - The Tennessee Titans released T Leroy Watson.
TENBrayden NarvesonKPRA - The Tennessee Titans signed K Brayden Narveson to the practice squad.
TENCurtis BoltonLBPRA - The Tennessee Titans signed LB Curtis Bolton to the practice squad.
TENKellen DieschOTPRA - The Tennessee Titans signed OT Kellen Diesch to the practice squad.
WASJamison CrowderWRIRDR - The Washington Commanders placed WR Jamison Crowder on the IRD.

Monday, Dec 9, 2024

ATLDane CruikshankSAFREL - The Atlanta Falcons released SAF Dane Cruikshank.
ATLBenny Sapp IIISAFPRA - The Atlanta Falcons signed SAF Benny Sapp II to the practice squad.
CINCade YorkKACT - The Cincinnati Bengals elevated K Cade York to the active roster from the practice squad.
DALKemon HallCBSGN - The Dallas Cowboys signed CB Kemon Hall to the active roster from the practice squad.
DALZack MartinGIR - The Dallas Cowboys placed G Zack Martin on IR.
DALJosh ButlerCBIR - The Dallas Cowboys placed CB Josh Butler on IR.
DALAndrew Booth Jr.CBACT - The Dallas Cowboys elevated CB Andrew Booth to the active roster from the practice squad.
DALAmani OruwariyeCBACT - The Dallas Cowboys activated CB Amani Oruwariye from IRD.
GBMichael JordanGPRA - The Green Bay Packers signed OL Michael Jordan to the practice squad.
GBSpencer RollandTREL - The Green Bay Packers released T Spencer Rolland.
HOUKenyon GreenGIRDR - The Houston Texans placed G Kenyon Green on IRD.
KCSteven NelsonCBPRA - The Kansas City Chiefs signed CB Steven Nelson to the practice squad.
NECaedan WallaceTIRDR - The New England Patriots placed T Caedan Wallace on IRD.
NOTra FluellenSAFPRA - The New Orleans Saints signed SAF Tra Fluellen to the practice squad.