Guest of the League
Gridiron Gurus Est. 2019
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Playoff Week 2 | NFL: Week 16


Red DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. 3KINGS1919.50 1761.20158.30
2. Honey Coombes1891.30-28.201728.25163.05
3. Azulgrana1899 (#21)1843.60-75.901705.60138.00
4. *Wartime Consigliere1555.35-364.151427.75127.60
Blue DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. DYN30 F4 $1001998.20 1838.25159.95
2. Bandits1989.20-9.001803.20186.00
3. GAMETIGER1947.95-50.251805.45142.50
4. Crimson cowboys1847.65-150.551661.20186.45
White DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. Made1769.55 1667.75101.80
2. 4 SALE COLBT1697.25-72.301603.5593.70
3. The Crypto King1633.90-135.651522.60111.30
4. Stark RAVENS Mad1492.00-277.551391.20100.80

Points scored including playoff weeks.