Guest of the League
For the People Est. 2020
Dynasty $250 - FFL: Playoff Week 2 | NFL: Week 16


Red DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. He Hate Me D72226.80 2079.80147.00
2. Dunny20661901.90-324.901758.00143.90
3. 250 PA Ballers1730.45-496.351632.3598.10
4. Overnight. D3QR1686.85-539.951500.05186.80
Blue DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. Ballbusters 42010.45 1828.95181.50
2. Flipcup1931.60-78.851772.40159.20
3. Big Papas Patriots Dynasty 250-31486.25-524.201367.20119.05
4. Tiger Bait D250-31470.80-539.651361.15109.65
White DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. Touchdown There1847.75 1697.25150.50
2. Dynasty2501719.90-127.851624.1095.80
3. Nerd 41718.25-129.501542.25176.00
4. Slitha Dyn 11611.80-235.951542.3069.50

Points scored including playoff weeks.