Guest of the League
Swedish Elvis
Triple Play $20 - Fantasy Week 10 | MLB Week 10
Twinky Slugger Tue May 28 11:15am CT

Down goes another one and only hours before he was set to pitch wtf

Dukes Dawgs Wed May 22 10:12am CT

It’s not rougher it’s just today’s pro athlete trains like they are bodybuilders.  Muscle creates stiffness which means more soft tissue injuries.  Pitchers shouldn’t train in the offseason they should play tennis.  Tennis builds up the tricep and keeps the arm active and loose.  Any athlete that has less then 5% body fat rarely make it through a full season unscathed.

Twinky Slugger Wed May 22 8:04am CT

Every week 2 or more of my players are getting hurt who knew baseball was rougher than football WTF

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