Guest of the League
The MNM League Est. 2002
FFL: Week 1 | NFL: Week 1

Commissioner Note

Taxi Squad (new feature). 

You can put a rookie of any position (site will restrict) on your taxi squad (1 taxi squad slot) after the draft is over.  The rookies will still slot into the same values as previously.  Once that player is put on your taxi squad, that player does not count against your roster limit of 25 players, or 3 QBs max.  After the August draft, you can designate 1 rookie to the taxi squad, and pick up 1 player if you choose during the first free agent pickups.   Once you move the rookie off your taxi squad, you can never put him back (site will restrict), meaning you will need to drop someone off your 25 man to do that same as IR.   You cant ever add a player to taxi once the season begins, meaning if you take a rookie off, you cant put one on to take his place (site restricts) so you have to designate him at the start of the season. 

I think this rule was needed because people pass on rookie QBs during the draft. If you draft a rookie and he is not starting by the time your bye rolls around, you would have to drop him and lose your pick for nothing if you couldnt deal him, which often happens.   The site does not let me limit this to QBs, but it would also work for a late 2nd rounder rb or wr who needs a year or so to develop. It also lets you have a possible 4th option at QB for byes that people complain about. 

You would need to take the player off taxi in order to trade the player, and the receiving team cannot put him back on taxi.  

For the top rookies, i doubt anyone will put say harrison jr on this since he will be productive right way.   Going to try it.  Thanks. 



All Rookies have been added to your teams and salaries updated.  Remember if you have two or three of the same salaries, they can be moved forward.   Need keepers by August 12th.   I assigned the draft dates for the four leagues.  If you will be away on that night just let me know before August 12th and i will switch it.  Thanks


FYI.  The Site has a new League Treasurer feature that i am going to try this year.  I spoke to Rtsports this week about it.  You submit your entry fee for the league on the top of the home page prior within the next 3 weeks prior to the draft and it keeps track and sends reminders.  The $'s are dished out by the site based on my prizes i submitted to them as soon as the season ends so nobody has to wait for money, and i dont have to chase people down.  Will see how it works.  They do not take out any money out of the winnings, and you do not pay any fees.  Thanks

Last Updated: Thu Aug 8 4:41pm ET