Guest of the League
Gridiron Gurus Est. 2019
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Stark RAVENS Mad Tue Jul 2 4:37pm CT
First dabble into football. Have played baseball for a decade .. Just picked up this team. So hello all, see you at draft night.
Stark RAVENS Mad Tue Jul 2 4:20pm CT

Trade Block Update

Players on the Block:

  • Matthew Stafford QB LAR
Mickeys Brigade Sun Jun 30 1:28pm CT

Trade Block Update

Positions Needed:

  • Running Back
  • Wide Receiver

Willing to trade 1 of my QBs (Love or Richardson) for a WR-1 or RB-1

Honey Coombes Sat Jun 29 7:24pm CT

Trade Block Update

Players on the Block:

  • Antonio Gibson RB NE
  • Marvin Mims WR DEN
  • Jonathan Mingo WR CAR

Picks and/or moving up in 1st round

DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Sat Jun 15 4:32am CT

The Crypto King wrote:

I am mistaken.  Bijan had a good season. 1400 yards 8 TDs. 

I am mistaken. Kittle is Top 25 not Top 20 WR numbers for 2023. With his fantasy points 207. Pretty good for a TE.

Lockett?  Lockett is a bum. Kittle finished in the McLaurin Pickens Flowers range. 
Not bad
Kittle has been known as brittle Kittle. For his many missed games 15 in the last 4 years
Yet he continues to outperform. He is ultra efficient and a target monster 
Kittle at 1000 yds and 6 TD is good for Top 25 WR in 2023 And Top 5 for TE
In addition. Kittle by the numbers….
Kittle has finished Top 5 for TE in fantasy points every year except 2020
Kittle has finished Top 5 or Top 10 for TE in Targets Receptions and Yards every year except 2020.
He is a ranked dynasty Top 10 TE.
Ekeler Cook and going back Demarco Murray Eddie Lacy etc. Many careers ending near the 5-6 year mark. 3-5 is the average. 
Putting Bijan in CMC Barkley Henry Mixon category is pure speculation at this point. 
And the 3rd rounder added in the trade?  Ya Estime McCaffrey Shipley Tracey Sanders range. Nice upside prospects with starter potential.


The Crypto King Tue Jun 11 1:30pm CT
Edited: Tue Jun 11 1:31pm CT

I am mistaken.  Bijan had a good season. 1400 yards 8 TDs. 

I am mistaken. Kittle is Top 25 not Top 20 WR numbers for 2023. With his fantasy points 207. Pretty good for a TE.

Lockett?  Lockett is a bum. Kittle finished in the McLaurin Pickens Flowers range. 
Not bad
Kittle has been known as brittle Kittle. For his many missed games 15 in the last 4 years
Yet he continues to outperform. He is ultra efficient and a target monster 
Kittle at 1000 yds and 6 TD is good for Top 25 WR in 2023 And Top 5 for TE
In addition. Kittle by the numbers….
Kittle has finished Top 5 for TE in fantasy points every year except 2020
Kittle has finished Top 5 or Top 10 for TE in Targets Receptions and Yards every year except 2020.
He is a ranked dynasty Top 10 TE.
Ekeler Cook and going back Demarco Murray Eddie Lacy etc. Many careers ending near the 5-6 year mark. 3-5 is the average. 
Putting Bijan in CMC Barkley Henry Mixon category is pure speculation at this point. 
And the 3rd rounder added in the trade?  Ya Estime McCaffrey Shipley Tracey Sanders range. Nice upside prospects with starter potential.
Honey Coombes Tue Jun 11 10:37am CT
so you’re looking for an explanation of why I sent a trade and another party accepted?
DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 10:06am CT

Honey Coombes wrote:
All I’ve stated is facts-let me restate because you seem to not be understanding all that matters here.

Won most money since inception
5 years- 4- 2nds and a 3rd plus all the top points money

I own your headspace for free(at this point this is better than your money)

Not only do you choose to give me your money but now your counting it for me too

RT total points archives run through the playoffs and don’t end at reg season. Check your “facts” before you start spouting off

All you’re saying is just opinions and crying because of the jealousy running in your blood- very flattering honestly.
Thank you.

Let ME restate, since clearly you just LOVE to continue deflecting from the topic.

The topic has nothing to do with anything other than you made successful trade offers to two separate teams in 2023 to intentionally fleece each of them of a top Dynasty player.

Period. That’s the topic.

All your nonsense about winning a lot of 2nd Place $$ or whatever else isn’t relevant to the topic at hand. That’s simply your weak attempt at deflecting from the topic. Your straw man arguments are not valid defenses of the rules that you violated. 

You still have yet to provide any acceptable explanation of your lopsided trade offers and I no longer will be responding to any of your irrelevant and immature rhetoric. 

Honey Coombes Tue Jun 11 9:26am CT
All I’ve stated is facts-let me restate because you seem to not be understanding all that matters here.

Won most money since inception
5 years- 4- 2nds and a 3rd plus all the top points money

I own your headspace for free(at this point this is better than your money)

Not only do you choose to give me your money but now your counting it for me too

RT total points archives run through the playoffs and don’t end at reg season. Check your “facts” before you start spouting off

All you’re saying is just opinions and crying because of the jealousy running in your blood- very flattering honestly.
Thank you.

DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 9:11am CT
Edited: Tue Jun 11 9:12am CT

Honey Coombes wrote:
So 2 summarize

Trading is bad
Welcoming people to my league is bad(esp when their so bad they been here for a year. lol
Winning money isn’t why yall r here
You don’t understand how the RT archives work
Your too small minded to realize your bashing your league mates simultaneously
Your the leagues free public defender and bookkeeper open for hire
Jealousy is an ugly color and it’s been showing its nasty head around here way too much

Did I miss anything??

Yeah you missed the part about collusion being illegal

Welcoming  guys to the league is fine, as long as then 6 weeks later you’re not gloating about how much 3rd Place $$ of theirs you’ve taken. Because then you’re talking out of both sides of your a$$. 

How RT archives work? Lol….archives are nothing but facts. That may be THE dumbest comment you’ve made yet, and you have many to choose from. 

DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 9:06am CT

Honey Coombes wrote:
Ignoring what I say and then moving to something completely different because I make too much sense… smart you know you can’t hold water anywhere else.

My bad for welcoming you to the league that along with trading should be abolished. It should have went away with slavery it’s so terrible. Now that one is actually funny because you’re so bad I didn’t even know you were new last year and welcomed you to my league this year. Lolol

The best and most profitable team in the league.

Lol…actually our teams were about the same last year. You were just another mediocre team (even after the Lamb fleece prior to Wk 1) at 3-5.

And then prior to Wk 9 you did the Bijan fleece, which helped you go 4-2 the rest of the way and finish as a mediocre 7-7 team. But stealing those 2 players that you had no business in having helped push you over Crimson into the #2 scoring team seed, which thereby “earns” you $100 and a playoff bye. Can you imagine that: a 7-7 team “earning” a playoff bye, and it’s solely due to cheating 2 teams out of a top player. And then you have the nerve to brag about it.

Quite the standup guy you are. 

Honey Coombes Tue Jun 11 8:59am CT
So 2 summarize

Trading is bad
Welcoming people to my league is bad(esp when their so bad they been here for a year. lol
Winning money isn’t why yall r here
You don’t understand how the RT archives work
Your too small minded to realize your bashing your league mates simultaneously
Your the leagues free public defender and bookkeeper open for hire
Jealousy is an ugly color and it’s been showing its nasty head around here way too much

Did I miss anything??
DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 8:49am CT
Edited: Tue Jun 11 9:23am CT

Honey Coombes wrote:
I felt like it was clear you revealed your intelligence level when you brought up and continue to berate your leaguemates on how bad they are at trading. Smart for sure


And yet another straw man argument. Keep grasping.

One of those teams you traded with has left. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he thought he was leaving with the agreement that he was getting 1/2 of your winnings, expecting half to be 1st Place $$ of $350 instead of 3rd Place $$ of only $100 or so.


Honey Coombes Tue Jun 11 8:46am CT
I felt like it was clear you revealed your intelligence level when you brought up and continue to berate your leaguemates on how bad they are at trading. Smart for sure
DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 8:45am CT
Edited: Tue Jun 11 8:49am CT

Honey Coombes wrote:
100% trading is illegal and should stop immediately…oh yea and I logged in on his or her account and accepted as it as well. Are you really this slow? Theres no way… but whatever Let’s beat the horse some more.

You understand that your making fun of (or attempting to anyways) of my team for winning the most money since initial
League draft. Solid argument. You missed your calling you coulda been one of those free public defenders they assign when the suspect has no money to pay a real attorney.

Yeah, grossly lopsided trading is not permitted in the rules and there is supposed to be oversight to see to it that those trades are overturned. 

Those are offers that YOU sent. Not that you received. But I get it that you need to try to spin it that way, to attempt to save face. 

Again, whatever $$ you’ve won in this league isn’t relevant to the topic, which is the 2 trades you fleeced people with, one of which smells like collusion, since that team left the league. Not sure why that’s so difficult for you to comprehend. 

Honey Coombes Tue Jun 11 8:44am CT
Ignoring what I say and then moving to something completely different because I make too much sense… smart you know you can’t hold water anywhere else.

My bad for welcoming you to the league that along with trading should be abolished. It should have went away with slavery it’s so terrible. Now that one is actually funny because you’re so bad I didn’t even know you were new last year and welcomed you to my league this year. Lolol

The best and most profitable team in the league.
DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 8:38am CT

Honey Coombes wrote:

I am actually impressed... again at I've upset you sooooooo much just by making trades and telling you how bad you are that you have taken all day to "prove me wrong" you went into the archives your so thirsty for justice .....don't forget about the $100 I get every year for top 2 points scorer-Add that into me still having your money...LOL



if you have so much of my $$$ then why would you send me this post 6 weeks ago, welcoming me to the league? I mean which one is it because it can’t be both:


Honey Coombes Mon Apr 29 3:59pm CT
Private for: DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +3

Hello and welcome to the league... I wanted to reach out about your post on trading block.  I am looking at moving mims douglas mingo Chubb/Ford gibson Pickens Deebo for pick/picks.... Any interest? 


Honey Coombes Tue Jun 11 8:35am CT
Edited: Tue Jun 11 8:35am CT
100% trading is illegal and should stop immediately…oh yea and I logged in on his or her account and accepted as it as well. Are you really this slow? Theres no way… but whatever Let’s beat the horse some more.

You understand that your making fun of (or attempting to anyways) of my team for winning the most money since initial
League draft. Solid argument. You missed your calling you coulda been one of those free public defenders they assign when the suspect has no money to pay a real attorney.
DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 8:28am CT

Honey Coombes wrote:
I’m not sure what there is to argue from my side. I have won the most money in the league since the start. What more matters? @dyn you’ve now spent two day proving that fact true and I haven’t had to lift a finger.

I lied I need to lift a finger to press accept on those banger trades your so jealous of.

So 22 hrs ago is now considered to be 2 days? Interesting. Actually, that’s yet to even be 1 day. Can you ever state anything that is actually true. 

Are you including the $100 you stole from Crimson last year in your most winnings? When you got away with fleecing Lamb away from someone and that thereby pushed you into the #2 scoring team, 4 pts ahead of Crimson. 

You’re  like the guy who gets away with robbing a bank and then goes around gloating that he just bought a new Lamborghini. Smart criminals don’t brag about their crimes. Actually you did keep it on the downlow for a long time until I called you out on it yesterday. And now since you can’t possibly defend your actions, all you can do is resort to straw man arguments. 

Honey Coombes Tue Jun 11 8:07am CT
I’m not sure what there is to argue from my side. I have won the most money in the league since the start. What more matters? @dyn you’ve now spent two day proving that fact true and I haven’t had to lift a finger.

I lied I need to lift a finger to press accept on those banger trades your so jealous of.
DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 7:54am CT

3KINGS wrote:

I am not going to get in the middle of a p@#$ing match but it is sure fun to read. $$$ is not the only reason one should play. If that is the reason then all lets join a $5000 league with no trading and lets see who wins.

Dyn30 is 100% correct. HC must be a politician because he sure can talk without answering or saying anything relevant.

Now my points.

  1. You cannot say Uber talent and shelf life of 3-5 in same sentence. MCC, Kamara, Barkley, Mixon, Connor, Henry, and Monty all been in the league 5+.
  2. It has nothing to do with a bad franchise. The QB was terrible and the coach is an ...(you know).
  3. Kittle was 12 pts per game. Lockett was 12 pts per game WR33. Not close to WR20.
  4. A top 10 set lineup stud... seriously. Baker was a top 10 QB. Is he a set your line up stud? Remember. this is a one player position like QB. (apples to apples)
  5.  Finally, the real reason for my post. The manager that swindled the group? smarter man in the room? He ripped the guy off or concluded and left the league. This is why RT changed their rules this year. Always late to the party. Lets change our draft pick rules. Lets cut to 14 players. Instead of having the manhood to veto trades like this. Take the easy way out RT. Let the league vote on all trades. No blame on you.
  6. Nothing personal. I feel better and will go back to the sidelines where I belong.



Yeah, he’s definitely a straw-man argument kind of guy. Says things that have zero relevance  


DYN30+ Goodfellas - #3 +2 Tue Jun 11 7:52am CT

Honey Coombes wrote:

Man this is great not only do you want to continue to give me your money now you wanna count it for me to????  This is fantastic. THANK YOU!!!

Usually we give our $$ to the team that is actually capable of winning the league. Not to the 2nd runner-up.