Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
picks or trade
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
Mac Daddies wrote:
If I’m reading it right, I just realized that I missed the #2 seed by .85 pts (not even a full point). And what makes that significant is that the #1 and #2 seed get $100. So .85 pts cost me $100. Man that stings.
You made it close though, because you trailed me by about 22 pts going into Wk 14 and almost caught me. Plus you also won the league, so I'm sure that $600 lessens the sting a little.
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
Need a starting level WR