You might have to accept again. Not showing accepted on my end
Kevin Lacy
Lacy 1Tue Nov 26 12:23pm CT
Kevin Lacy
Lacy 1Tue Nov 26 12:22pm CT
Ok. I will
Kevin Lacy
BubzTue Nov 26 12:20pm CT
I accepted it but said you at $0 you gotta deposit
Lacy 1Tue Nov 26 12:17pm CT
Sent gl. My account is at 0. Surprised it let me send it. Lmk if it doesn't take.
Kevin Lacy
BubzTue Nov 26 12:14pm CT
Send it OG 🤝
Lacy 1Tue Nov 26 11:59am CT
Sure... why not.
Kevin Lacy
BubzTue Nov 26 11:50am CT
Damn Lacy trade rape chances are over and you letting Flex punk you for that 2 seed homie. Shoutout homie flex boy got a squad. Lacy we both healthy let’s run it for $100 deep pockets what you wanna do