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The Best of The Rest Est. 2021
Dynasty $250 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Ballbusters 37 Wed Jul 24 7:25pm CT
Texting it is easy cause I can just send a video of exact what happened and how slum he actually is he just tries to justify and lie but I have the vid
Ballbusters 37 Wed Jul 24 7:23pm CT
Yahtzee is a shady dude I recommend not doing business with him at all I’ll have full story this weekend when my drafts are done currently in 72
'sAsBRsf250 Wed Jul 24 6:25pm CT
Shiate. Stilll trying to figure out what up with Yahtzee.
K1LL3RS36dSF21 Wed Jul 24 5:37pm CT
No idea, system glitch. Guessing it’s too late for them to roll back the pick and let you pick. I don’t mind either way.
K1LL3RS36dSF21 Mon Jul 22 5:53pm CT
Edited: Mon Jul 22 5:59pm CT

Considering he picked again guessing he isn't making it right. I was thinking it was a handshake deal for future compensation but they haven't had a trade in 2 years.... Ballbusters is a straight shooter so interested to see what happened... 

SpydrsSlayers Mon Jul 22 5:27pm CT

Just tell us, dude...did he cheat somehow?

'sAsBRsf250 Mon Jul 22 1:45pm CT
Oh dayum!!! Suspense is killing me.
Ballbusters 37 Mon Jul 22 12:02pm CT
I will expose if he doesn’t make it right
K1LL3RS36dSF21 Mon Jul 22 11:51am CT
What happened?
Ballbusters 37 Mon Jul 22 10:17am CT
Do the right thing yahtzee. You can fix this. Show some integrity