Guest of the League
Spring Football Est. 2023
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Week 3 | NFL: Week 3
Risk It For The Bijan Biscuit (last season) Sun Sep 22 11:39am CT

RTS response (even they acknowledge it was an awful trade): 

Hey Joshua,

We've researched the customers involved and there's been no indications of collusion with them across many years here and the numerous teams they've owned.

The specific players involved in the trade as well as the team's records and rosters were all reviewed by our staff and run through our trade calculator, and while we agree it's not a fair and balanced trade, it is also not so far unbalanced that we feel it needs to be reversed.

We certainly understand you can disagree, but our bar for reversing dynasty trades is very high and we generally let team owners run their teams how they see fit as long as there's no signs of collusion or tanking.


Greasy Grimy GD Packers Sat Sep 21 7:43pm CT
No problem, Joe!
Crazy Joe Gallo Sat Sep 21 7:36pm CT
Thnx Tony
Greasy Grimy GD Packers Sat Sep 21 7:13pm CT
Honestly a little surprised that trade held. Either way, your team still blows Joe:)
Crazy Joe Gallo Fri Sep 20 11:35pm CT
If you Cry Babies want to know the truth. He offered me Carr & Jacobs for Darnold & Mason.
I rejected it said Id consider it if he swapped Murray for Carr. I didnt think he would do it, but he did. He has McCaffrey and only $40 left to spend on the WW. I guess he wanted the handcuff & plans to play matchups at QB. Keep Crying. Not everyine uses trade evaluators like you clowns.
Risk It For The Bijan Biscuit (last season) Fri Sep 20 11:21pm CT
I don’t cry, I get even. Good luck facing greasy every year when he has all my good players. If you are good with your trade then you should be good with our future trade
Crazy Joe Gallo Fri Sep 20 11:19pm CT
FU. I dont know him. And I never sent him $$$. I resent the accusation. Have a good night. Keep crying LOL.
Risk It For The Bijan Biscuit (last season) Fri Sep 20 11:14pm CT
I will also be trading every single good player I have to greasy before I leave for his kicker. If they don’t reverse your trade then they shouldn’t reverse that either. Dead serious about it too
Greasy Grimy GD Packers Fri Sep 20 11:11pm CT
Greasy Grimy GD Packers Fri Sep 20 11:11pm CT
I mean I hear ya. But Joe is FAR from dominant. Have you seen that receiver core???