Guest of the League
Big Dog Football League Est. 2001
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Da Boys Wed Jul 10 8:19am CT
Any chance of seeing if we can get 2 more teams to make it 16 teams like before so we can have 2 conferences, 8 teams in each?
Da Boys Wed Jul 10 8:19am CT
Any chance of seeing if we can get 2 more teams to make it 16 teams like before so we can have 2 conferences, 8 teams in each?
Commissioner Tue Jul 9 7:39pm CT
DirtBags Tue Jul 9 1:57pm CT
Im good with the 14 team league but agree there are things to discuss (as noted in previous emails) and zoom may be best for that. Im available for zoom anytime besides wednesday. Look forward to this season. 👍
Da Boys Mon Jul 8 10:29am CT
I’m good with David coming back but only if he wants to. As for the new format-my vote is No, I like what we presently have. Up for a call.
SmoknMonks Sun Jul 7 5:37pm CT
Im down for a zoom call this week any day
I think I’m ok with this format
And of course I’m all in for the crusaders return
Commissioner Sun Jul 7 4:00pm CT

Hey BDFL’ers!!!

First, my apologies for the lack of dialogue for this upcoming season…. just gonna say, there’s a lot going on….so thanks for understanding….

All righty, I can’t believe we are only 47 Days from our 2024 Draft Day! Remember, we set August 24th at 11:00 a.m. start time. Draft will be at my house, if you’ve forgotten how to get here, let me know.

During the offseason, Pred approached me with an idea. He’d like to get Crusader back into the game, and we have another guy interested as well. The thought would be to go to 14 teams, and an “ALL PLAY” schedule format; this format is where you play every team each week, with Highest score going 13 – 0, down to Lowest score going 0- 13. It’s a unique style of schedule I play in other leagues, and IMHO, truly levels the field.  We would likely have to move away from the Superflex format unless we leveled the scoring a little (for example, 4 pts for passing TDs, -3 for Ints. Etc.) Either way, I’m trying to get Dave to come down and run the auction if he can.

I’d like to get all of your thoughts; we could have a Zoom Call this week to discuss, let me know and I’ll set it up. I’d also like to discuss our prize structure, etc. (Jake, I never got your ring size, not sure I can get it here before draft). Below is our current Expenses and Payouts:

Outside of that, is there any questions? Does anyone have any last-minute conflicts? Any chance you may miss? You can start sending me your $165 via Zelle please.

May not seem like it, but I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone. I’ll post this on the site as well.

Cheers All,


Da Boys Mon May 6 7:47pm CT
24th sounds good
Commissioner Sun May 5 8:49pm CT

Five Thumbs up for August 24th!

Let me know of any concerns or we will lock it in


Predators Fri May 3 2:47pm CT

I’m with earthworm and peanut…the 24th is great!


Can’t wait to have a beer with you guys!


Jumbo Fri May 3 12:36pm CT
24th works for Jumbo. Smokey-You can crash at La Casa.
Cobras Fri May 3 10:01am CT

Aug. 24th at your house should be fine for the Cobras franchise!  😜 

SmoknMonks Fri May 3 7:12am CT
Online from Vegas sounds good
But I miss SA so I’m good with that too
For me travel is the same as
Commissioner Fri May 3 7:06am CT

Hey All

Need to lock down our draft day for this year; I was thinking August 24th but we could do Aug 31st (labor day weekend). Lets plan on doing it in San Antonio at my house if that's okay with everyone.....or, i'm open to an online auction if travel is tough. 

Which do you all want? Looking forward to the season!!!!!!


Commissioner Wed Apr 17 11:12am CT

Hey Gang,

With the NFL draft coming up, getting excited for the new NFL season! Of course, Jumbo and i are way deep into the Best Ball drafts already.....can anyone say "addiction?" LOL

Starting to think about this year, last season was a blast, loved the destination draft. Gonna throw it out there if everyone is up for it again, but most likely will do it in San Antonio at the house.....will start planning soon.

Any rules tweaks? Any Expansion thoughts? Any Folks needing a break? I'm all ears gang.

