Guest of the League
TUFF Fantasy Football Est. 2015
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason

Power Rankings

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
Win Ugly10-426091.0001163
Balls Deep10-424450.9202234
Bumbling Idiots7-723070.8587431
Lock and Load7-722410.8256752
Hurricane Ed10-422350.8213866
Taz Devils9-523400.8094315
The ATM5-920820.6241210117
A Bunch of Nothin6-822810.50785213
Your Mom6-819170.4941012611
The Fresh Prince of Helaire6-818110.4841113610
Package of Pain5-917720.44213141412
System of a Touchdown3-1120190.38214111314