Guest of the League
Tony Stark Industries Est. 2019
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Week 18


Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Fantasy Sicario109.05vsGoff My Lawn110.65
700 Level145.30vsCaleb's posse104.70
Ports Jeffersons Nab131.25vsADUB99.35
Mountain Goats138.85vs_ T P I _ D 2 _ P133.35
Buckeye Nation100.35vsIron Man lives again136.60

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Fantasy Sicario118.70vs_ T P I _ D 2 _ P155.85
700 Level83.45vsMountain Goats75.95
Ports Jeffersons Nab136.25vsIron Man lives again163.55
Ribeye142.30vsGoff My Lawn147.60
Buckeye Nation97.90vsCaleb's posse108.25

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Fantasy Sicario117.20vs700 Level144.75
Ports Jeffersons Nab76.70vsBlacklist125.85
Mountain Goats124.95vsRibeye129.00
Buckeye Nation128.25vsADUB107.70
_ T P I _ D 2 _ P104.95vsIron Man lives again137.25
Caleb's posse79.75vsGoff My Lawn154.95

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Fantasy Sicario94.80vsPorts Jeffersons Nab101.05
700 Level120.20vsBlacklist130.35
Mountain Goats143.90vsBuckeye Nation101.20
_ T P I _ D 2 _ P158.75vsCaleb's posse90.80
Iron Man lives again120.90vsGoff My Lawn154.05

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Fantasy Sicario170.90vsBlacklist109.15
700 Level139.00vsPorts Jeffersons Nab105.95
Mountain Goats91.05vsADUB150.05
Ribeye125.60vsBuckeye Nation93.50
_ T P I _ D 2 _ P137.85vsGoff My Lawn119.55
Iron Man lives again146.30vsCaleb's posse83.50

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 15

Goff My Lawn75.50vsRibeye155.20
Blacklist83.45vs_ T P I _ D 2 _ P169.10
Fantasy Sicario123.90vsADUB81.65
Ports Jeffersons Nab120.05vsMountain Goats121.70

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 16

Ribeye136.05vsIron Man lives again131.50
_ T P I _ D 2 _ P130.85vs700 Level110.05
Fantasy Sicario100.90vsCaleb's posse124.20
Mountain Goats115.80vsBuckeye Nation155.40

Playoff Week 3 - NFL Week 17

Ribeye119.35vs_ T P I _ D 2 _ P120.00
700 Level155.15vsIron Man lives again125.35
Buckeye Nation96.30vsCaleb's posse84.60
Fantasy Sicario89.70vsMountain Goats103.05