Guest of the League
Make it Reign Est. 2020
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Superbowl


Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 16

Wildcat Dynasty Foot130.60vsDonneybrook3145.45
* World of Hurts 4U222.85vsVitos Panthers152.30
Jack and Coke151.00vsDiamond Cutters67.15
Googly Moogly116.20vsMoms97.35

Playoff Week 3 - NFL Week 17

* World of Hurts 4U143.55vsDonneybrook3144.40
Wildcat Dynasty Foot98.80vsVitos Panthers111.95
Googly Moogly139.80vsJack and Coke119.25
Moms138.75vsDiamond Cutters109.90