Mills | 157.68 | vs | BMW | 125.46 |
Maulers | 163.62 | vs | StumpDawgs | 172.40 |
THE LOOSERS | 85.58 | vs | Coral Reefers | 161.08 |
TouchDown There | 93.06 | vs | Bucshots | 121.52 |
House of Pain | 118.52 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 115.98 |
Paging Jack Kevorkia | 109.84 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 116.98 |
Mills | 85.06 | vs | Maulers | 136.42 |
BMW | 137.90 | vs | StumpDawgs | 138.60 |
THE LOOSERS | 68.18 | vs | TouchDown There | 151.92 |
Coral Reefers | 118.36 | vs | Bucshots | 109.40 |
House of Pain | 118.28 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 132.44 |
Fourthdown Freak | 208.14 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 138.52 |
Mills | 119.18 | vs | StumpDawgs | 140.18 |
BMW | 116.80 | vs | Maulers | 191.94 |
THE LOOSERS | 139.66 | vs | Bucshots | 134.66 |
Coral Reefers | 108.72 | vs | TouchDown There | 135.66 |
House of Pain | 126.28 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 122.56 |
Fourthdown Freak | 125.98 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 135.60 |
Mills | 130.30 | vs | THE LOOSERS | 122.98 |
BMW | 153.90 | vs | Coral Reefers | 104.30 |
Maulers | 175.62 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 118.90 |
StumpDawgs | 115.46 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 156.68 |
TouchDown There | 154.94 | vs | House of Pain | 125.62 |
Bucshots | 163.70 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 163.38 |
Mills | 132.26 | vs | Coral Reefers | 126.94 |
BMW | 188.94 | vs | TouchDown There | 130.48 |
Maulers | 155.52 | vs | House of Pain | 123.82 |
StumpDawgs | 131.26 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 118.90 |
THE LOOSERS | 152.94 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 139.44 |
Bucshots | 147.04 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 168.68 |
Mills | 141.38 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 128.12 |
BMW | 107.78 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 122.12 |
Maulers | 125.46 | vs | Bucshots | 141.64 |
StumpDawgs | 136.92 | vs | Coral Reefers | 149.80 |
THE LOOSERS | 163.30 | vs | House of Pain | 145.72 |
TouchDown There | 116.02 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 127.86 |
Mills | 129.78 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 108.96 |
BMW | 109.34 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 124.70 |
Maulers | 129.54 | vs | Coral Reefers | 109.32 |
StumpDawgs | 130.00 | vs | THE LOOSERS | 159.40 |
TouchDown There | 126.80 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 113.34 |
Bucshots | 151.96 | vs | House of Pain | 154.84 |
Mills | 132.66 | vs | TouchDown There | 181.82 |
BMW | 174.60 | vs | Bucshots | 164.04 |
Maulers | 174.36 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 132.46 |
StumpDawgs | 140.24 | vs | House of Pain | 133.56 |
THE LOOSERS | 150.70 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 165.88 |
Coral Reefers | 117.82 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 99.28 |
Mills | 143.66 | vs | Bucshots | 187.38 |
BMW | 145.14 | vs | House of Pain | 164.40 |
Maulers | 146.56 | vs | TouchDown There | 129.12 |
StumpDawgs | 103.12 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 126.24 |
THE LOOSERS | 147.70 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 187.24 |
Coral Reefers | 147.70 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 130.08 |
Mills | 140.10 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 158.84 |
BMW | 163.42 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 142.72 |
Maulers | 110.68 | vs | THE LOOSERS | 139.50 |
StumpDawgs | 76.80 | vs | TouchDown There | 106.84 |
Coral Reefers | 113.60 | vs | House of Pain | 123.90 |
Bucshots | 158.98 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 105.94 |
Mills | 167.14 | vs | House of Pain | 124.88 |
BMW | 188.36 | vs | THE LOOSERS | 149.78 |
Maulers | 148.94 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 125.52 |
StumpDawgs | 158.94 | vs | Bucshots | 130.84 |
Coral Reefers | 123.68 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 179.66 |
TouchDown There | 139.48 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 140.14 |
Mills | 151.08 | vs | BMW | 127.78 |
Maulers | 162.90 | vs | StumpDawgs | 168.62 |
THE LOOSERS | 161.16 | vs | Coral Reefers | 109.80 |
TouchDown There | 105.66 | vs | Bucshots | 99.56 |
House of Pain | 129.98 | vs | Fourthdown Freak | 114.20 |
Paging Jack Kevorkia | 140.82 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 155.16 |
Mills | 159.64 | vs | Maulers | 182.34 |
BMW | 172.88 | vs | StumpDawgs | 119.46 |
THE LOOSERS | 162.14 | vs | TouchDown There | 106.50 |
Coral Reefers | 137.92 | vs | Bucshots | 149.12 |
House of Pain | 151.58 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 129.84 |
Fourthdown Freak | 154.50 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 146.86 |
Mills | 119.46 | vs | StumpDawgs | 134.24 |
BMW | 187.72 | vs | Maulers | 218.34 |
THE LOOSERS | 131.12 | vs | Bucshots | 178.52 |
Coral Reefers | 128.08 | vs | TouchDown There | 145.70 |
House of Pain | 130.30 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 145.06 |
Fourthdown Freak | 121.46 | vs | Paging Jack Kevorkia | 126.50 |
Fourthdown Freak | 123.36 | vs | Lunatic Fringe: Bloo | 122.34 |
Bucshots | 144.50 | vs | BMW | 135.48 |
Fourthdown Freak | 151.28 | vs | Maulers | 180.62 |
Bucshots | 157.14 | vs | TouchDown There | 183.82 |