Guest of the League
For the People Est. 2020
Dynasty $250 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Flip vs PAb

(0-0 0 pts)
250 PA Ballerseven
(0-0 0 pts)
GameCast Game Center

NERD vs Dunn

Nerd 3 
(0-0 0 pts)
(0-0 0 pts)
GameCast Game Center

TDS vs BD4

Touchdown There 
(0-0 0 pts)
Ballbusters 4even
(0-0 0 pts)
GameCast Game Center

SD1 vs Zzz

Slitha Dyn 1 
(0-0 0 pts)
D250 #2 pick Stroud,Nacua,Hock,even
(0-0 0 pts)
GameCast Game Center

2D vs BPPD

(0-0 0 pts)
Big Papas Patriots Dynasty 250-even
(0-0 0 pts)
GameCast Game Center

Supe vs HMD7

Overnight. D3QR -3 
(0-0 0 pts)
He Hate Me D7even
(0-0 0 pts)
GameCast Game Center