Guest of the League
Mega Minds Est. 2023
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Red DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. Apple Pie2233.05 1804.45428.60
2. 3KINGS 22219.65-13.401754.25465.40
3. Patssuck31958.90-274.151617.90341.00
4. *Light Bulb1939.60-293.451555.85383.75
Blue DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. The Cousins Crusaders2339.55 1915.50424.05
2. The ViG Dynasty1824.35-515.201551.70272.65
3. HeyYeo1799.15-540.401589.40209.75
4. Unknown_Subject1697.45-642.101385.10312.35
White DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. Here Then Gone2266.40 1870.55395.85
2. P8 N2 Olave's Branch(15)*2068.40-198.001705.65362.75
3. Ezmoneymango 81865.95-400.451609.80256.15
4. Crawdads & Beer 21733.65-532.751408.05325.60

Points scored including playoff weeks.