Explanation of Standings
- *$250 San Francisco 49'ers V 2025 / 1MakeCanadaGreatAgain2 - Tied on Winning Pct
- *$250 San Francisco 49'ers V 2025 / 1MakeCanadaGreatAgain2 - Try to break tie with Pts in Games
- *$250 San Francisco 49'ers V 2025 / 1MakeCanadaGreatAgain2 - 1864 PF vs 1801.95 PF
- 31 He Hate Me / Allen - Tied on Winning Pct
- 31 He Hate Me / Allen - Try to break tie with Pts in Games
- 31 He Hate Me / Allen - 1783.7 PF vs 1987.2 PF
- 31 He Hate Me / G4_Tex - Tied on Winning Pct
- 31 He Hate Me / G4_Tex - Try to break tie with Pts in Games
- 31 He Hate Me / G4_Tex - 1783.7 PF vs 1870.7 PF
- Allen / G4_Tex - Tied on Winning Pct
- Allen / G4_Tex - Try to break tie with Pts in Games
- Allen / G4_Tex - 1987.2 PF vs 1870.7 PF
- *$250 San Francisco 49'ers V 2025 / Hurts So Good 250 - Tied on Winning Pct
- *$250 San Francisco 49'ers V 2025 / Hurts So Good 250 - Try to break tie with Pts in Games
- *$250 San Francisco 49'ers V 2025 / Hurts So Good 250 - 1864 PF vs 1937.25 PF
- 31 He Hate Me / Pick9underdog - Tied on Winning Pct
- 31 He Hate Me / Pick9underdog - Try to break tie with Pts in Games
- 31 He Hate Me / Pick9underdog - 1783.7 PF vs 1829.1 PF
- Allen / Pick9underdog - Tied on Winning Pct
- Allen / Pick9underdog - Try to break tie with Pts in Games
- Allen / Pick9underdog - 1987.2 PF vs 1829.1 PF
- G4_Tex / Pick9underdog - Tied on Winning Pct
- G4_Tex / Pick9underdog - Try to break tie with Pts in Games
- G4_Tex / Pick9underdog - 1870.7 PF vs 1829.1 PF
Regular Season Wins, Losses, and Points