Guest of the League
GS 125 8hr II
Grand Slam $125 - Fantasy Week 8 | MLB Week 8


Stonehelm LogoStonehelm601.00001920.01490.5
ROTTERDAM LogoROTTERDAM420.66721821.51492.5
Wreckingcrew LogoWreckingcrew420.66721754.51732.0
The LumberJacks LogoThe LumberJacks420.66721706.01642.5
125GSalamiPtsH2H Logo125GSalamiPtsH2H420.66721688.01516.0
TWINKIES! LogoTWINKIES!420.66721607.01478.5
Hello Yam2moto LogoHello Yam2moto240.33341834.01907.0
Rach 1 LogoRach 1240.33341567.51679.0
Fried at Last LogoFried at Last240.33341641.01918.5
Cannabus 116 LogoCannabus 116240.33341452.51587.0
Billy the Painter LogoBilly the Painter150.16751563.51671.0
Wasps LogoWasps150.16751351.51792.5

Standings through Fantasy Week 7

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