Guest of the League
GS 125 8hr II
Grand Slam $125 - Fantasy Week 10 | MLB Week 10


Stonehelm LogoStonehelm801.00002530.01955.5
ROTTERDAM LogoROTTERDAM620.75022478.52078.5
TWINKIES! LogoTWINKIES!620.75022164.02021.5
Wreckingcrew LogoWreckingcrew530.62532340.52266.5
The LumberJacks LogoThe LumberJacks530.62532108.52170.5
Hello Yam3moto LogoHello Yam3moto440.50042404.02332.0
125GSalamiPtsH2H Logo125GSalamiPtsH2H440.50042108.02021.5
Fried at Last LogoFried at Last260.25062179.52462.5
Rach 1 LogoRach 1260.25062028.02154.5
Billy the Painter LogoBilly the Painter260.25061997.52192.0
Cannabus 116 LogoCannabus 116260.25061962.52201.0
Wasps LogoWasps260.25061740.52185.5

Standings through Fantasy Week 9

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