Nickname: Conan5066
Fantasy Player Rank: #144

27 Money League Teams

Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 7*inStaff of Aces
Dynasty H2HSpazmatics*inFast Pitch
Dynasty H2HBack Back Back GoneinPowerhouse Dynasty
Dynasty H2HDrunken MonkeyinSoler Power
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 10inGo The Distance
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 15inRound Trippers
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 16inJug Guns and Hitting Sticks
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 5inGold Glovers
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 6inSpring Training
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 8inBarracuda
Dynasty H2HHigh HeatinNo Hitter
Dynasty H2HHooligansinFreeze Frame
Dynasty H2HRetired Old ManinTexas Leaguers
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 1inThe Keystone
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 11inGhost Runner
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 12inOn Deck
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 13inFrozen Rope
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 14inFly The W
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 2inFrozen Ropes
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 3inSilver Sluggers
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 4inWipeout Sliders
Dynasty H2HFixer Upper 9*inAround the Horn
Dynasty H2HOld Guys NapinWhite Flag
Dynasty H2HPandemic TimesinRockstar Fantasy
Dynasty H2HThe CleanersinAngels in the outfield
DimesBig BoyinDimes Best Ball 832
DimesDime PrizeinDimes Best Ball 835
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000