Nickname: Demolishers24
Fantasy Player Rank: #56

57 Money League Teams

DynastyStraight from the 313inRunning Back Committee
DynastyThe Dynasty Dream TeaminBattle Arena
DynastyDemolishersinThe Best Dance
DynastyJJ Best BallersinDynastic
DynastyThe DemolishersinIron City
DynastyY Town fantasy legendinTitle Town
RTFBCJJ baseballinRTFBC Blue #10
RTFBCLets do thisinRTFBC Blue #4
High StakesDetroit legendinMassano
High StakesDynasty Dugoutin$250 Slow - High Stakes
High StakesAlan TrammellinHS 125 8hr III
High StakesGreat Lake LoonsinHS 125 8hr IV
High StakesIts auction timeinAuctions Are Better!
High StakesJTs SquadinMotor City Classic
High StakesKeyanainWhiz Kids
Dynasty Roto313 EliteinLegends are made
Dynasty Roto313 in the houseinAdvanced Metrics Fantasy Baseball
Dynasty RotoDemolishers BaseballinGet The Brooms Out
Dynasty RotoDynasty Roto KillersinFront Office
Dynasty RotoGame TimeinMVP Dynasty
Dynasty RotoTeam Double JinRotoHeads
Dynasty RotoY Town roto killersinFriendly Confines
Dynasty H2H313 Fantasy LegendinOctober Ball
Dynasty H2HJeffs Dream TeaminNo Hitter
Dynasty H2HTeam JJinSoler Power
Grand SlamFantasy ToolshedinMidwest League
Grand SlamPut Lou in the HallinGS 125 8hr I
Grand SlamTram to Lou for 2inDamn Yankees
Grand SlamWhittaker belongs in thinGS 125 8hr IV
Draft & HoldDouble JinPlayers Club
Triple PlayJJ Triple Playinbad balls
Triple PlayJJ auctioninTP Auction $50
DynastyDetroit vs Everyone HooinWemby Sweepstakes
DynastyGame TimeinThe Franchise
DynastyJesus ShuttleworthinCrossover
DynastyPick and PopinSwish!
DynastyStraight from the 313inKing James Court
DynastyTeam Double JinFront Office
DynastyUncle DrewinLike Mike
Slam DunkDetroit Fantasy LegendinWAR GAMES
Slam DunkGame TimeinMidwest League
Slam DunkIts hoop timeinNBA 2024-25 Season 2K
Slam DunkMotor City HoopersinHoop Time
Slam DunkBasketball MonsterinThe Dude Abides
Slam DunkDouble J HoopersinSit and Go 4hr 50 IX SD
Slam DunkPlayers Named After JalinSit and Go 4hr 20 XI SD
FranchiseBox in oneinBig Ten
FranchiseBasketball ExpressinFranchise open
FranchiseRoto KillersinSit and Go 4hr 100 I FR
FranchiseHoop CollectioninOctober Madness
FranchiseMoney Ball HoopsinSit and Go 4hr 50 I FR
Draft MastersMy last draftinSit and Go 4hr 50 III DM
Draft Slot123456789101112

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State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000