Nickname: EdMazur
Fantasy Player Rank: #236

38 Money League Teams

High StakesTeddy BallgameinJust Win
Big LeagueBull's BarbecueinFor The Love of The Game
Big LeagueEmily Compagno Is SmokiinBase Invaders
Big LeagueHenry Aaron Home Run KiinPuck Pack
Big LeagueMoon CricketsinLet's Play Ball!!
Big LeagueRollins and UtleyinBall players
Big LeagueAdorably DeplorableinLet's Have Fun
Big LeagueBench Morgan Perez and inFans and Friends
Big LeagueSay Hey KidsinBase Burgulars 2025
Big LeagueTinker to Evers to ChaninDiamond Kings
Big LeagueWhiz KidsinLast Chance
Big LeagueWillie Mickey and the DinBL 50 LD X
Big League1980 PhilliesinField of Dreamers
Big LeagueAshburn AlleyinBL 30 8hr XIII
Big LeagueBabe Lou and TonyinFinal Draft
Big LeagueCarlton Bowa and SchmidinBL 30 8hr X
Big LeagueClemente and PopsinBL 30 8hr XXIII
Big LeagueDoc HalladayinNo More Half Measures
Big LeagueGeorge Herman RuthinBL 30 8hr XVII
Big LeagueHarry and WhiteyinThe Ueckers
Big LeagueHippies Must Use Back DinCactus League
Big LeagueKoufax and RyaninBig time
Big LeaguePolitically IncorrectinBL 30 8hr XIV
Big LeagueStan The ManinBL 30 8hr XVI
Big LeagueToxically MasculineinCalifornia penal League
Slam DunkWilt and RussellinBeer league37
FranchiseMuggsy and SpudinFranchise open
Franchise'67 76ersinSit and Go 4hr 50 I FR
FranchiseA Friend EmbiidinSit and Go 4hr 50 III FR
FranchiseBIll Russell RulesinLast Chance League
FranchiseChuck and DuckinGAME TIME
FranchiseEmily Compagno Is SmokiinSit and Go 4hr 50 II FR
FranchiseHoops and BeerinWeek 2 Start
FranchiseLeBron Free ZoneinOctober Madness
FranchiseAdorable DeplorablesinSit and Go 4hr 30 II FR
FranchiseAwake Not WokeinSit and Go 4hr 30 III FR
FranchiseErnie Shaq Kenny and ChinNothing But Buckets
FranchiseMoon CricketsinSit and Go 4hr 30 V FR
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000