Nickname: KingKong23
Fantasy Player Rank: #356

25 Money League Teams

High StakesBums 23inthe late draft
Big LeagueStuds 23inNirvana
Big LeagueBeach Bums 23inFor The Love of The Game
Big LeagueBumsinJoin this draft
Big LeagueBums23inIndependent League
Big LeagueCool CatsinAuction Masters
Big LeagueBeach Bums 23inOpening Day 1
Big LeagueBleacher Bums einLate night
Big LeagueCool Cats 23inMarch 20 BL Auction
Big LeagueDaily DoubleinSunday Afternoon
Big LeagueDandysinSpring is here
Big LeagueGrolich ParkinSunday evening
Big LeagueMax n PiperinMarch 22 BL Auction
Big LeaguePractice Squad EinLet's play two
Big LeagueStuddmuffinsinWALK-OFF DINGER
Triple PlayBumsinBaseball pro
Best BallBeach BumsinBest Ball Championship 2106
Best BallBumsinBest Ball Championship 2082
Best BallBums 2inBest Ball Championship 2046
Best BallCool Cats23inBest Ball Championship 2314
Best BallSpring traininginBest Ball Championship 2098
Best BallStudsinBest Ball Championship 2176
Best BallStudsinBest Ball Championship 2162
Best BallStuds 2inBest Ball Championship 2093
DimesBums 23inDimes Best Ball 631
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000