Nickname: Ross002
Fantasy Player Rank: #73

15 Money League Teams

ChampionshipTouch of Green 2inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr IV
ChampionshipTouch of Green 3inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr VII
ChampionshipTouchofGreen 1inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr I
Best BallTouch of Green 1inBest Ball Championship 15
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 1inBest Ball SCOUT 129
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 10inBest Ball SCOUT 1243
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 11inBest Ball SCOUT 1679
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 2inBest Ball SCOUT 136
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 3inBest Ball SCOUT 137
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 4inBest Ball SCOUT 143
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 5inBest Ball SCOUT 240
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 6inBest Ball SCOUT 248
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 7inBest Ball SCOUT 457
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 8inBest Ball SCOUT 807
Best Ball ScoutTouch of Green 9inBest Ball SCOUT 1085
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000