Nickname: Smackacow
Fantasy Player Rank: #164

24 Money League Teams

DynastyBlue Dream (R) (1.5)inWasted Picks
DynastyHawk Tuah and SF On ThainBattle Arena
DynastyLet's Ride The Green CoinThe Leagues
DynastySilas (R) (1.5)inRawhide
DynastySnog (R) (1.10)inEmpire
DynastyThe Cows (R) (1.9)inTraining Day
DynastyYou Mother Tucker (R) (inDynasty League Football
DynastyBest Bussin (1.9)inBestball PPR Monsters
DynastyBest Flex Ever (1.4)inBest Flex Ever
DynastyBurrito (R) (1.3)inGreatest Show on Paper
DynastyCalm Down (R) (1.1, 1.8inBeast in the East
DynastyHairy Potter's Son (R) inFade Route
DynastyHere We Go Again (R) (1inBuild Your Dynasty
DynastyLivvy Dunne lv 10 Gyat inSuperBowl Champions
DynastyNo Cap On God Fr Fr (R)inStuds and Duds
DynastyPaul Rudd (1.12)inEnd Around
DynastyPerfection (R) (1.9)inThe Open
DynastyPineapple Express (R) (inChamps Only
DynastyRisk It For The Bijan BinSpring Football
DynastySuper Lemon Haze (R) (1inDraft Hero
DynastySuperman (R) (1.11)inReady to Rumble
DynastyThe Acolyte (1.2)inBreaking Bad
DynastyTrippy Flume Shroom (R)inDeep Fade
DynastyWoW (R) (1.1)inNational Fantasy League
Draft Slot123456789101112

Foes of Smackacow are

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State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000