Nickname: masterdrafter
Fantasy Player Rank: #25

23 Money League Teams

ChampionshipSuncoast 15inFantasy Championship 2/12 8:30pm
ChampionshipSuncoast 16inFantasy Championship 2/21 9:00pm
ChampionshipSuncoast 17inFantasy Championship 3/4 8:00pm E
ChampionshipSuncoast 18inFantasy Championship 3/9 7:00pm E
ChampionshipSuncoast 19inFantasy Championship 3/15 8:00pm
ChampionshipSuncoast 20inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr I
ChampionshipSuncoast 21inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr I
ChampionshipSuncoast 22inFantasy Championship 3/21 8:30pm
DynastySuncoast DYN 1inDraft Night
DynastySuncoast DYN 1inStars and Stripes
DynastySuncoast DYN 2inRoyal Dynasty
DynastySuncoast DYN 3inOne for the Thumb
DynastySuncoast DYN 3inVIP Dynasty
DynastySuncoast DYN 4inThe Gold Standard
DynastySuncoast DYN 5inThe Jedi Council
DynastySuncoast DYN 6inThe Raiders
DynastySuncoast DYN 7inGame of Thrones
DynastySuncoast DYN 8inPass Interference
DynastySuncoast DYN 9inWinners and Whiners
DynastySuncoast DYNO 10inFull Frontal Fantasy
DynastySuncoast DYN 11inThe Beer League
Best Ball ScoutSuncoast 100inBest Ball SCOUT 39
Draft MastersSuncoast 90inReal Time Rumble
Draft Slot123456789101112

5 Private Commissioner League Teams

Full SeasonSuncoastinChamps League
Full SeasonSuncoast 11inEVERYBODY'S GOT A PRICE!!!
Full SeasonSuncoast 12inFantasy Junkies Unite
Full SeasonSuncoast 13inHardcore Dynasty League 2
Full SeasonSuncoast 14inHardcore Dynasty League 3

Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000