Nickname: ronsanto10
Fantasy Player Rank: #168

52 Money League Teams

Big LeaguePerry SpitballinBL 30 8hr XXVII
Triple PlayCowbell CityinIce Wall
Triple PlayPepitone Hair DryerinRally in the 9th
Triple PlayTaft Tigers 1972inNo Deferred Salaries Allowed
Triple PlayCarmen FanzoneinTP 20 8hr XXII
Triple PlayCherry Hill ParkinTP 20 8hr XXXIV
Triple PlayKitty KaatinMajor League Meltdown
Triple PlayMetrodome MagicinTuesday Fun
Triple PlayRick Monday MondayinSwedish Elvis
Triple PlayScooby DoobieinTopps Fantasy BB
Triple PlaySpitball PerryinFantasy Boys of Summer
Triple PlayThe Reg A RooinSpring Fever
Triple PlayWiser MiserinBag o Balls
Best BallCoach CorriganinBest Ball Championship 2589
Best BallGigi LuigiinBest Ball Championship 2808
Best BallGoodbye BaseballinBest Ball Championship 2569
Best BallRetired GuyinBest Ball Championship 2765
Best BallSplendid SplinterinBest Ball Championship 2662
Best BallTwelve Six CBinBest Ball Championship 2533
Draft MastersMarty CordovainBest Ball 20 8hr IX
Draft MastersRon Santo HOFinBest Ball 20 8hr X
Draft MastersStrat O Matic 1972inDM Roto 20 8hr X
DimesBe Home BlyleveninDimes Best Ball 803
DimesDime PrizeinDimes Best Ball 760
DimesGibson HeaterinDimes Best Ball 778
DimesKISS ArmyinDimes Best Ball 792
DimesRocco BellainDimes Best Ball 767
DimesSavannah BananainDimes Best Ball 763
Just HRsHomer SimpsoninJust HRs 682
Just HRsHomer TimeinJust HRs 684
Slam DunkCR YBall ChampsinTHE FINISH
Slam DunkFart in the WindinSit and Go 4hr 100 II SD
Slam DunkSky HookinSit and Go 4hr 50 X SD
Slam DunkABA defenderinSaturday Night
Slam DunkAnt ManinSit and Go 4hr 20 XIII SD
Slam DunkBig Ticket 21inSit and Go 4hr 20 XI SD
Slam DunkBlock or Charge?inSit and Go 4hr 20 IX SD
Slam DunkDunkarooinSit and Go 4hr 20 X SD
Slam DunkGigi LuigiinSit and Go 4hr 20 XVI SD
Slam DunkLainey WilsoninFade Away
Slam DunkMr HooperinBeer league
Slam DunkRocco BellainSit and Go 4hr 20 XIV SD
Slam DunkSpam Spam SpaminSit and Go 4hr 20 XII SD
Draft MastersBasketball JonesinSlow Play
Draft MastersCR YBALL ChampinSit and Go 4hr 20 IV DM
Draft MastersReTireDinSit and Go 4hr 20 V DM
Draft MastersTrow WiseinSit and Go 4hr 20 III DM
Draft MastersWilt the StiltinSit and Go 4hr 20 II DM
DimesAnt AlyticsinDimes Best Ball 134
DimesBella BooinDimes Best Ball 128
DimesDime PrizeinDimes Best Ball 119
DimesRIP Jerry WestinDimes Best Ball 122
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000