Nickname: tcsox
Fantasy Player Rank: #89

51 Money League Teams

Dynasty RotoZZD500WNinLock Down
Dynasty RotoBoomerinWinter Storm
Dynasty RotoG250WN-PinTraders Bay
Dynasty Roto35 and countinginHall Of Famers
Dynasty RotoAWNinMudville 9
Dynasty RotoBWNinRoto Wars
Dynasty RotoCWNinMVP Dynasty
Dynasty RotoDWN-PinThe Long Ball
Dynasty RotoEWN-PinWhirlwind
Dynasty RotoFWNinRotoHeads
Dynasty RotoHWNinKing of Queens
Dynasty RotoJWNinAdvanced Metrics Fantasy Baseball
Dynasty RotoLaunchPadinSilver Sluggers
Dynasty RotoLWN-PinWin Shares
Dynasty RotoMWNinFull Count
Dynasty RotoNWN-PinBleacher Bums
Dynasty RotoOWNinTriple Crown
Dynasty RotoPudgeinHeaters and Sinkers
Dynasty RotoPWNinDouble Play
Dynasty RotoRemdoginFront Office
Dynasty RotoRICOinHall of Famers
Dynasty RotoRoosterinGet The Brooms Out
Dynasty RotoSox125inFirst Pitch
Dynasty RotoUWN-PCinGold Prospectors
Dynasty RotoWalleeinAmericas Pastime
Dynasty RotoWWNinRoyal Roto
Dynasty RotoXWNinLaunch Angle
Dynasty RotoYRBPinLegends are made
Dynasty RotoZWN-CinWorld Champs
Dynasty RotoZZARBPCinFriendly Confines
Dynasty RotoZZBWNinGround Balls
Draft MastersLP1inDM Roto 20 8hr I
Draft MastersLP2inDM Roto 20 8hr II
Draft MastersLP4inDM Roto 20 8hr IV
Draft MastersTCSOXinDM Roto 20 8hr III
Just HRsLP1inJust HRs 467
Just HRsLP2inJust HRs 472
Just HRsLP99inJust HRs 533
Slam DunkLPSD2inSit and Go 4hr 100 IV SD
Slam DunkLPSD1inSit and Go 4hr 50 IV SD
Draft MastersLP3inSit and Go 4hr 50 I DM
Draft MastersLP1inSit and Go 4hr 20 I DM
Draft MastersLP2inSit and Go 4hr 20 II DM
Draft MastersLP4inSit and Go 4hr 20 IV DM
Draft MastersLP5inSit and Go 4hr 20 III DM
Draft MastersLP6inSit and Go 4hr 20 V DM
Draft MastersLP7inSit and Go 4hr 20 VI DM
Draft MastersLP8inLets PLay
Draft MastersPI2inSpider
Draft MastersPI7inLast Chance
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000